The Rise of Veganism in China: An Insight into a Healthier and Compassionate Lifestyle

16 Oct 2023

Exploring Veganism in China: Our Journey to Understanding a Different Way of Life 

China is a country with a rich and diverse culinary tradition, and it's no secret that meat has been an important part of Chinese cuisine for centuries. However, as more people around the world adopt a plant-based lifestyle for various reasons, veganism is slowly gaining popularity in China as well. Despite this, many Chinese people still have a limited understanding of veganism and the benefits that it can bring to individuals and the planet.

To shed some light on this topic, we decided to create a video exploring veganism in China. Our mission was to understand whether it's possible to be vegan or vegetarian in China and how people perceive this lifestyle. We also wanted to showcase some delicious vegan recipes that can be easily made at home and to highlight some of the best vegan restaurants in China.

We started our journey by talking to locals and asking them about their views on veganism. We quickly realized that many people in China are not familiar with the concept of veganism, and some even confused it with vegetarianism or pescatarianism. This lack of awareness can make it challenging for vegans or vegetarians to find suitable food options when eating out in China.

Next, we visited a vegan restaurant in Beijing to try some vegan dishes and to speak with the owner about the motivations behind opening a vegan restaurant in China. We learned that the restaurant was founded with the goal of promoting veganism in China and educating people about the health and environmental benefits of this lifestyle.

To give our viewers a taste of vegan food, we shared two easy-to-make vegan recipes. The first recipe was a simple stir-fry dish using tofu, mushrooms, and vegetables. The second recipe was a vegan version of dumplings filled with spinach and tofu. We invited some guests to try the dishes and give their honest feedback, and they were all pleasantly surprised by how tasty the vegan food was.

Finally, we wrapped up our video by summarizing the benefits of veganism and encouraging our viewers to give it a try. We emphasized that being vegan is a personal choice, but it's essential to be informed about the consequences of our food choices and their impact on our health and the environment.

In conclusion, our video aimed to provide an insight into veganism in China and showcase the potential of a plant-based lifestyle. We hope that it inspires people to be more mindful of their food choices and to make a positive impact on the world.

For more information and just to take a closer look to this beautiful place in China in coming up video bellow. Follow our Lion On The Road series to discover Real China as no one before.
