The Art of MOVING in China: Tips and Tricks to Get Around by Boat, Hitchhike or Teleportation

16 Oct 2023

Travelling is one of the most exciting and fulfilling experiences that life can offer. Exploring new places, meeting new people, and discovering new cultures is an enriching experience that broadens one's perspective of the world. While it may be easy to travel within your own country, international travel is a different ballgame altogether. One of the biggest challenges when travelling to a new country is getting around. The transportation modes may be the same, but the ways are different. In this video, we share our experience of travelling to a new city in China through hitchhiking, and the amazing adventures that came along with it.

When travelling to a new city, it is easy to rely on public transportation or to hire a car to get around. However, hitchhiking offers a unique experience that can't be found in any other mode of transportation. Hitchhiking is a popular method of transportation in China, and it is relatively easy to get picked up. It may not be the most comfortable or convenient way to travel, but it is definitely one of the most exciting and adventurous ways to explore a new place.

Hitchhiking in China is a bit different from other countries. The famous thumb gesture, indicating that you want a lift, is not fully understood in China. However, with some persistence and patience, we managed to get rides from generous and kind-hearted locals. The Chinese people are generally very friendly and helpful, and they were more than happy to offer us a lift.

One of the most exciting parts of our hitchhiking adventure was getting picked up by a speedboat. It was a unique and exhilarating experience that we will never forget.

Hitchhiking also offers a unique opportunity to meet locals and to experience their culture firsthand. We were able to interact with people from different backgrounds and learn about their way of life. We were also able to see parts of China that we would have missed if we had taken public transportation or hired a car.

We also experienced teleportation, which was a unique and interesting mode of transportation that is only available in China. Do you want to see how it is done? just check out our video and enjoy probably the first reproduction of Teleportation on earth. Done in 2018 - China

In conclusion, hitchhiking is a unique and exciting way to travel to a new city, especially in a country like China. It offers an opportunity to meet new people, experience their culture, and see parts of the country that are off the beaten path. With some persistence, patience, and a sense of adventure, anyone can hitchhike across China.

For more information and just to take a closer look to this beautiful place in China in coming up video bellow. Follow our Lion On The Road series to discover Real China as no one before.
