4 Oct 2023


Together with his trusted crew, Lion guides us from where he left China in 2015 to where he first entered China in 2014. Reversing his journey to redress the balance. Starting in Hangzhou, east China, and down through the Hollywood of China, Hengdian, to the south in Guangzhou and Hong Kong. Then in search of the most beautiful girls in Chengdu. Finding the most famous "hot pot" in Chongqing. Exploring the heart of China, Xi’an, the oldest capital with its Terracotta Warriors. Living in the eerie ghost town of Ordos and to one out of four landmarks, the northernmost point, Mohe. Here to see the original Santa Claus village and northern lights. From the easternmost point, Fuyuan, to Dalian and its border with North Korea. They crossed the majestic rainbow mountains, ZhangYe in Gansu Province. Dunhuang and Mogao caves all on the way west towards the Qinghai Lake, and finally to Xinjiang westernmost spot, province and terminal station to close this cycle.

With the thought of his past failures in the backhead, Lion decides to take the road. After he formed an improvised “indie crew”, he motivates them to accompany him hitchhiking across over 50 thousand kilometers of uncharted territory, carrying backpacks in all situations and places. They’ve experienced over 130 Chinese cities and villages, they survive on a personal budget with help from many locals. Together, they overcome many obstacles during their journey of exploring a land full of cultural gifts, remarkable people and mouth-watering cuisine. The movie also reflects a beautiful cultural exchange between Chinese and foreigners throughout many activities, and shows in the end that we are humans from the same family, no matter how hard the world treats us.

Lion's first adventure in China goes way back to 2014. He fell deeply in love with Rio. Then tried to do anything just to be together. Tried to learn the language, but couldn't. He invested in a business, but got cheated. He wanted to be a reliable family man for this traditional Chinese family. He wanted them, but they didn’t want him. Why wasn't he good enough for them? 

Yes, he failed, but now he's back, 5 years later, eager to make peace with his past mistakes. As Lion returns to China, ready to bounce back from the failed love that still burns in his heart, what is waiting for him here instead? Will he find his peace and forgiveness along the way?

What will you do? Will you hang all your life into it or will you easily let go? Will you ever be able to find your peace?

Is the Chinese language too hard for Lion to learn in one year? Having failed the first time to learn the language, he is determined to learn Mandarin and fast! The truth is, there are many, many variables that go into how long it'll take for someone to learn Chinese. However, to become fluent, experts estimate that it'll take 2,200 class hours. That means during 6 months - 12 hours a day. When to eat, sleep, travel or fall in love? How God on earth is he planning to do this? It’s impossible! But Lion says “I have a way, my way!” Does he? At the end he has a bet with a woman about if he can learn Chinese in a year. If he wins, she promises to hold a huge international party at her beautiful picturesque resort in Dali with 100 bottles of free champagne and more.

The great challenges for foreigners traveling comunist China are revealed as the team starts to fall apart. David, the clumsy director Lion recruited online for the job, proves his greatest incompetence by dropping an unbacked up hard drive containing all team footages for the first 3 months. Including with Chinese Hollywood stars in Hengdian. And one by one, the crew abandons Lion, turns their back on his dream. Clearly, pursuing someone else’s dream is too difficult. Being left behind without explanations brings frustration. But the real twist of the knife is when his own sister Jamila abandons him to return to her boyfriend. Lion has his first breakdown. Who will support him? How to rebuild a team in the middle of the chaos?


Why people would love this docfreeality?

Because It's authentic, original, and above all: REAL. No influence nor biased information from any corporation or government, and give probably the best insights about China throughout the past decades. In addition, it will touch the deepest human emotions and feelings without having any actors but just normal people. In this society where we are no longer sure on what to believe, this would be the light at the end of the tunnel that can give us hope... The hope that truth, no matter in which shape, still exists and can be shared and impact the future of humanity. This docfreeality is an eye-opener as it presents the macro cultural scan of China and reveals its unseen sides in a unique way.

One of Lion's first experiences in China was getting very drunk with locals. After his breakdown, Lion returns to drink. He also samples many local dishes and dances to take his mind off his troubles. Truth be told, drinking is a basic part of the social culture in China. People enjoy social drinking on personal and business occasions. They use alcohol to relax, to have fun and most importantly - to connect.

After drinking himself silly, Lion finds himself wondering, "Is this society too hard to adapt to?" and "Is it possible to fall in love again?" Finding a mate is a serious business for China's single men. Lion throws himself into the “market” trying to find a new love. He spends less than a day with 12 female candidates, putting them to the test. That’s when he finds Hana. As the days pass, they get closer and she proves herself a loyal friend. Will their feelings grow into love?

Pulling Lion back into focus, Hana travels with him to many regions, along with a new cameraman. Coming from a family of cooks, Lion has his share of the cooking skill. He challenges Chinese grandmas to cooking competitions in a way no one did before. He put his skill into practice. The intercultural exchange through the kitchen is his perfect way and tool to get close to the people! Chinese cuisine enjoys a high fame all over the world, with hundreds of cooking techniques. Chinese renowned cooking methods are even considered as an art form. The journey takes us to see the widely varied dishes throughout all provinces they visit, including the famous "hot pot" in Chongqing. What is the best Chinese dish according to the team?


The dream transformed into a nightmare. Another wave of challenges hits Lion hard in the face. He is ripped off in business, forced to sleep on the cold streets -24, arrested and thrown in jail. He has a bloody accident and experiences ugly racism. The final part of the story shows the suffering he passes through while following his only dream. Sharing the journey with unstable people, being deceived by friends and even family, Lion finds himself perched on top of a skyscraper in central Guangzhou, he’s ready… his mother's soul shows. “Why not?” He thinks… “This is the solution for everything, just one step, Mom.” 

He is overwhelmed, seeing the suicide as the best way to end up all this nightmare. Will he end this here?

Lion made a promise to his mom. He lifts himself up this time and is ready to be immersed in Chinese culture again. He decides to never give up, ever. He continues his courageous path, leading his crew along the rough journey in this vast land. Lion and the team take us on an eye-opening journey showing us the dark sides of China: the pollution and poverty, the racism, the mess, the laws and the system. As he lingers under the shadow, he uncovers all those “well protected” images about China. Will it be a risk for his life and his team? Yes, he ended up in prison.


The Chinese Dream docfreeality is in fact a deep reflection of ourselves while we pursue our dreams. Also how careful we should choose them before even starting. The unknown obstacles or challenges are inevitable, and failure is the main factor to consider. The dynamic it brings can add up to the excitement but the risk can be terrifying. During this film we learn why Lion keeps fighting and what keeps him so strong till the end. The movie helps us to experience an array of human feelings from the worst, painful situations to amazing and unforgettable ones. We take with us the memories of The Chinese Dream to remind us that our life is an incredible journey. This movie follows a dream, a thing that many humans in their lifetime will never dare to take. Why? Because there is still the main question to answer:

"Will you give up your life, for a dream?"